Dorking, let’s tackle loneliness 

In 2021 18% of Surrey residents admitted to always feeling lonely and overall 80% admitting feeling lonely
So Dorking Minds has created an initiative, under the support of the Chatty Cafe Scheme to tackle loneliness in Mole Valley.

Thursdays 10.30am – 12pm

Hosted at Silvermere Cafe, Meadowbank, Dorking, RH4 1DX


Come and meet others in your community and tackle loneliness

Our Team

Francesca Bellamy


Suzanne Spirydon   
Volunteer (ADHD Specialist)

Volunteer at our Chatty Cafe

We are looking for volunteers to support our ‘A Coffee for Companionship’

Volunteers will help create a welcoming space where members of the public can get together and chat, should they wish to. 

We’re looking for a passionate, super-organised volunteer 

Our vision is that this space will encourage people of all ages to talk to others and not feel so socially isolated; you will be instrumental in helping us achieve this and play a key role in connecting people within your community.

Signposting  & Resources

As a mental health initiative, Dorking Minds will provide signposting and resources for self-help. However, we are not qualified therapists or crisis support/intervention. 

Crisis information will be available and the team can guide you to relevant support.

When & Where

When – Thursdays during term-time

10.30am – 12pm

Where – Silvermere Cafe, Meadowbank

I want to come but can’t buy a hot drink

Please come along, we can’t wait to see you.  

Before the event, text Francesca on 07766831866 to pre-order a drink on us. That drink will be at the cafe waiting for you to enjoy.


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